Pillars of Eternity is just begging for a better mage and Ydwin could've been it. I would rather Obsidian had made her a mage and replaced Adoth, who is the lamest stereotype of a mage Obsidian could have possibly conceived, is no one's favorite, and yet is one of the few characters they carried over from the first game. Ydwin feels like she's cut content that wasn't entirely scrapped. Sadly, in addition to being a great setup for a character that remains unfulfilled, a fully written Ydwin would be right at home in the game's plot given the series' focus on souls and the fact that animancers are such central figures in the lore and there's never been one in the party before. But at least the game still plays her canned dialog callouts every once and a while when you give her orders like every other character. It doesn't help that her voice and appearance are super cool that of a sort of nerdy, bookish intellectual aristocratic type who is nonetheless rather suave, confident and sophisticated - a very unique and deserving clash of character traits! Unfortunately, she will never speak in dialog again after that first scene. This scene is helped by having some pretty amusing party banter depending who you have along with you. She is, in effect, a soul sucking vampire. She divulges that she performed an experiment that separated her soul from the wheel, or the cycle of life and death, and in so doing effectively made herself immortal and dependent on soul energy to sustain her life force. Ydwin is an animancer, a researcher who studies souls.